Lately, I've been catching up with some friends who have children under 2 years old. Last night, they were discussing the joys and pains of motherhood. Having no children, I mostly listened and took mental reference notes.
Friend 1 is sad about not having enough time to spend with her child because of work. She's worried about her ability to be a good mom.
Friend 2 loves work and feels guilty for not spending more time with her child, then rebellious about how "society's expectations" makes her feel guilty for preferring to be at work.
Friend 3 is a stay-at-home mom / part-time student who wants to spend all of her time with her two children, but is upset that people see her as unambitious for wanting to be a full-time mother.
We know that the Moon represents, among other things, the type of nurturing we received as children and our ability to nurture ourselves and the people in our lives.
When I took a closer look at their charts, I noticed that most of my friends who were expressing doubts, frustrations, etc. have some type of Moon-Saturn and/or Moon-Uranus connection.
Seems to me that Moon-Saturn aspects manifests as a feeling of having to sacrifice pieces of oneself for children or to live according to social, cultural or familial obligations. Moon-Uranus aspects describe a yearning for freedom and/or resisting the routine that raising a child in a "healthy" environment requires.
Of course, there are ways to resolve these tensions.
The Moon-Saturn mother can learn to honor her own wishes despite what others think of her. Or she can find a way to carve out an identity that is separate from her role as a mother by discovering her personal ambitions. If she so chooses, she can then blend those personal ambitions with her mother role (though without becoming a stage mother or a smotherer!).
The Moon-Uranus mother can learn to carve out some alone-time in her day to pursue her independent interests, which may prevent the "sucked in", overwhelmed or restricted feeling that comes from having someone depend on her for survival. Perhaps the Moon-Uranus mother's children are independent enough to value a mother who gives them a long leash or has a Mary Poppins-like idea of childrearing.
Yep, I'm taking very good notes because I also have one of these aspects, which I "inherited" from my mom, grandmother, great-grandmother on.
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New to astrology? Find out what sign your Moon is in and how it describes your nurturing nature.