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Saturday, January 2, 2010

Wanna Learn More About You For FREE?

You may have noticed the poll at the top of this blog asking what's your level of astrological knowledge. So far, most of the respondents have an intermediate to advanced level. But some people have specifically asked me for resources for beginners.  A couple months ago, I wrote a post titled "The 10 Best Astrology Resources for Beginners", which features my favorite astrologers, books, websites and videos. But I forgot something crucial: most beginners only know their star signs. And that's what made them curious to learn more.

There are links in the margins of this blog for those who want to learn how to interpret charts. But what if you don't want to learn how to interpret charts? What if you just want to learn more about YOU (or someone else) without having to do the analysis yourself?

Here are some websites that provide free birth charts with in-depth interpretations. For FREE!
(Note: You'll want to have your birth day/year/time/place for the most accurate results.)

1. Personalized SuperPower Report - A friend on Twitter (gotta love Virgos and their wonderful research skills) recently passed me this link and it's one of the best computerized natal reports that I have seen at no charge.

2. Romantic Compatibility Report - Wanna know how you and a special someone will get along? Check this report out to find out the strengths and weaknesses of your relationship. You'll need to know your partner's birth info, too.

3. Cafe Astrology Free Reports  - This link takes you to free daily horosopes, natal report, romantic compatibility report, and transits for any day. Many beginners look at astrology as fortune-telling. If you want to "see into your future", then check out your transit report.

4. Free Reports - The "free reports" here are short samples of what you'd get if you purchased a full personalized report. The samples are insightful enough on their own without making a purchase, though. You can get a personal portrait, psychological horoscope, career and vocation report, relationship horoscope, partner horoscope, child's horoscope, find the best place to travel for vacation or relocation, etc. I found it interesting to look up my horoscope report as a child.

5. ChaosAstrology Natal Report - This one's good for beginners with short attention spans. The descriptions are to the point and easy to understand. There are also some minor aspects included with the major aspects. Also courtesy of one of my fav Virgos. :)

Keep in mind when reading these reports that they are computer-generated. Therefore, they will have many contradictions in the descriptions. E.g. A report may say that you're shy in one section but then say that you're aggressive. Well, both of those statements could be true. That's where the skill of a human astrologer comes into play. A human astrologer can explain the nuances of your personality, psyche, point out patterns...basically apply your chart to your life so that it can become more than a theory about someone who happens to have your birthday.

If you have any questions for me that are related to your birth chart, click here.

What did you discover about yourself? About someone else? Did anything in the interpretations surprise you? Reinforce what you already know? What's your favorite astrological website?

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